Carlal’s Weblog

A suburban mom, her family, her life, and her world views.

Archive for kosher

Is there survival after infidelity?

Have you ever been in a situation where it seems as if there can not possibly be anything else to come along to make you feel any worse than you already do? I know that you have, and I am there right now.

“What now?” seem to be the question I have on my mind each morning that I awake. It all started in January of this year, and day after day something else has happened that makes me want to throw my hands up and just give in. But, I can’t. I have my children depending on me.

It all started to become clearer one morning late in January as I was looking for a job on the state employment website. My husband told me that he had seen several positions which might interest me as he was searching for a job himself. So after the children were off to school, I accessed his side of the computer to view the jobs he had saved for me to look at.  I then noticed that he had extensive visits to a mailbox which I did not know he even had.

There had been some behavior that had led me to believe that things were not quite kosher with him, so I did not mention this finding to him. Nevertheless, I could not access his link to the employment site. Being that we have eight children, I put my efforts into keeping house for my family, and let the job search go for a few days. Then several days later, my husband left his wallet at home and I found the business card with his access info on it. The unusualness of the username and password made me curious, so I went to the internet site I had found out that he had an email account with and used the exact same codes….. His secret was revealed!

 For over two years he had been having a relationship with some other woman! My world fell apart. Why? Why would he do this? What was wrong with me that he needed to share his life with someone else?

You can imagine that since then, things have been pretty volitile in our house.

We have been married for ten years, but our relationship is almost at its twentieth anniversary.  My husband is eight years my senior, but that never seemed to matter.

After our fourth child together, we decided to get married.  I knew that we had rough spots, but what relationship doesn’t? Yet, I had never been unfaithful to him. Not even by flirting with another male.  Our sex life was great, or so I thought. But for him, it just was not enough. He blames it on our inability to communicate effectively. He says that I make him feel awkwardly shy. This I cannot understand, because my husband is a very intelectual person, much more so than I, and if you asked me quite handsome. At any rate, a breach in my trust for him has developed to a point that even the one area in which we never had any problems before, is no longer satisfying for me.

I love him very much, yet, my sense of betrayal is so overwhelming that I am not sure how much I LIKE him. and because of that, it seems as if every part of our relationship is coming undone.

I believe that marriage is a bond for life, save for the ground of fornication {such as is the case here},yet even so, I am bound to him until death, so that I may not marry another, unless he dies. I do not wish for his death, I want long lives for the both of us.  But I wish for us to have a strong happy life together. But is it possible for us to overcome this breach of trust?

Is there survival after infedelity?
